2021 has arrived! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The 2019-20 school year will always be known as the year of COVID-19. The year the world was thrust into a global pandemic. The year the world flipped upside down and we learned how to navigate in our "new normal." The year of virtual education. The year of change.
I do not know if 2021 will be any different from 2020 or 2019. There has been so much loss in the past twelve months and we could dwell on this truth and allow a dark cloud to envelope us, but I choose to dwell on the good things that happened in 2020 and be grateful for my many blessings instead.
We left for Spring break in March and never returned to finish out the school year. Teaching music virtually from home in my garage left much to be desired, but the rest of my family was working from home also, and music is such a noisy job.
We shared lots of family time because no one was allowed to leave the house except for necessities, we spent much-needed time outdoors and I have never before enjoyed Spring as much as I did last Spring. Long walks, surf fishing (once they re-opened the beaches), trail hikes, reading outdoors in the sunlight, relaxing by the pool (once they re-opened the community pool) - it was a lovely time of refreshment for a really tired soul. For this, I will always be grateful.
Once the "shelter at home" mandate was lifted, we began to carefully move around the city. It has been 10 months and we are still wearing masks in public, in and out of restaurants, in church, in large gatherings and there is no end date in sight.
I am grateful for technology that allowed us to attend church without being in the physical space we call church. I am a worshiper of God and I love being in the presence of God in a community of believers in a physical building. However, I learned to appreciate an app on my phone and a set of ear buds while participating in our worship services for the past 10 months. The irony of this entire year at church has been that it was supposed to be a year of sending missionaries around the globe to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was supposed to be a year of travel, witnessing, being the "hands and feet of Jesus" to those less fortunate. We had to hit the "pause" button.
I attended a virtual professional development conference in June with Quaver Music Ed. My thinking was that if we did not return to school in August, I could teach from home with this digital platform. This was my Plan B and it was an awesome educational experience.
Our family gathered for "Family Fun Week" in July. My nephew graduated from high school and we celebrated him in a large way. Precautions were in place, of course, and there was no COVID fallout from our gathering which gave me hope that when my son married in December, we would also be able to gather. Additionally, we hosted two bridal showers this week for my son's fiancé. No COVID fallout there either.
We returned to school in August with a handful of virtual students. Most of us were face-to-face in the brick and mortar building. I teach in a K-12 school, so our Upper School was closed for two weeks immediately following a weekend of Homecoming parties. Lower School has been open the entire year. We were told to exercise caution as we gathered for Halloween parties, Thanksgiving gatherings and Christmas this year. We will see what the new year holds when students return from break in 3 days.
Against all odds, I conducted three "live" indoor Christmas programs, sang in a Drive-In Christmas program outdoors and celebrated my son's wedding - all in the month of December - without issue. I cannot stop living life because of a virus that I may or may not catch. I cannot walk in fear or allow others to steal my joy. My faith in God keeps me in check, and for this, I am grateful.
In 2020, I have learned that precautionary measures are necessary for the good of the whole. I may not agree with them entirely, but I have chosen to observe the rules for the protection of others. I eagerly look forward to a milestone birthday in February and for another season of Spring to enjoy. Summer swim season is getting closer by the day and being in and around water makes me happy.
There is much to be thankful for in my life. My word for this new year is "cultivate." I want to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in all things, in all ways, all the time.
Until next time...
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