Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to School 2015

Teachers are people too.  Life happens to teachers who are people too.  For the first summer in five years, I took the summer off.  I usually teach water safety during the summer months when I am not in school, but decided that this was the year I needed a break.

Six out of the previous nine months were spent caring for my mom who was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer in October.  I barely crawled over the finish line at the end of the school year.  I was exhausted and needed time to re-group.  I envisioned reading 400 page novels on the beach, surf fishing as often as possible, swimming laps for exercise and running 5Ks on a regular basis.  I managed to squeeze in the running, but not much else this summer.

Right after graduation, my "swagger wagon" blew a gasket and my mechanic discovered a crack in the engine block.  After 18 years of driving the same vehicle, I had to purchase another car.  It was bittersweet to see her go, but there was nothing that could be done for her.  The "Big Red Whale" was laid to rest.

  Kia Forte - it was musical.  Had to have it.

If that weren't enough excitement for one summer, we experienced a rather significant house fire in early August.  My common areas have been taken down to the bare walls while repairs are being made to the house.  This will take months to finish.  All five of us escaped without injury, but my house suffered quite a bit of damage.  Trying to keep my mind on the positive aspects right now and figure out how we're going to function once school is back in session.  I am currently working out of the trunk of my new car....

Teachers report on Monday, August 17th.  The fire forced me out of my home and into my classroom.  I am ready for school to begin.  I've never been this far along before.  In the past few weeks, we've started a Spirit Bandana fundraiser, my classroom is set up, 200 copies of the FHS Chorus Handbook are waiting on the piano and chorus calendars are ready to go. I've met with Booster Board members and Student Officers to plan out the best year ever! I've got great people who are in place and ready to serve.  Bye-Bye Summer of 2015.  Bring on the 2015-16 school year!
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. You have really been through it! What a summer! For someone who was taking a "break" you certainly worked hard. Thank God for His protection and divine guidance through all of this. You probably can't wait for the school year to slow down so things can "settle down" so to speak.


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