Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dawn Patrol

In my household, "dawn patrol" translates into an early morning surfing excursion with my youngest child.  I usually sit on the beach and watch the sunrise while he surfs.  He says that the best waves always happen in the morning!

Today, "dawn patrol" took on a very different meaning.  Sixteen chorus students and three parents crawled out of bed to volunteer at a 5K on the beach this morning.  As the chorus sponsor, I had to be at the Seawalk Pavillion at 5:45 a.m. to greet my students.  I had been up since 3:30 a.m. working on school work and doing laundry.  (I figured I might as well get some work done while the house was quiet.  I do my best work before sunrise.)  

Preparing for the Zoomarun

Working the registration table

My "security team" got to wear official t-shirts

On-site registration and trouble-shooters extraordinaire!

I would like to publicly commend my students for their efforts today.  Although many were sleep-deprived, they showed up and kept their commitment.  The race ran without incident and they played a huge part in making it a great experience for all.  They did such a fine job, the race coordinator asked if we would do it again in January.  I could not have been more pleased.  They are truly the "Pride of the Beaches!"

Until next time...

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