Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to My Roots

I am the daughter of an immigrant's son.  My father's people came from Syria; my mother's from Lebanon.

As a child, my family attended the annual convention of the "Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs" that was held in various cities across the southern United States over the 4th of July.  Part of the experience that is forever embedded in my mind and heart is participating in a Middle Eastern dance called the "dabke." 

This dance is one of several "community dances" that is unique to that part of the world.  To this day when I hear that unmistakable drumbeat and Middle Eastern tonality, I can hardly contain myself.  My feet start to move and my body just follows.

This video clip was sent to me by my uncle.  I just had to post it here on my blog.  It was taken in the duty-free shop in the airport in Beirut, Lebanon.  Let's hear it for "flash-mob" dancing, Arab style.  Enjoy!


Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I love watching flash mob dancing! I keep hoping to one day be caught in the middle of one. In my dreams, I'm actually one of the dancers. Thanks for sharing.


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