Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Florida Music Educators' Conference/Clinic 2011

Last week, I made my annual trek down to Tampa for the FMEA conference/clinic.  For the past five years, I have traveled alone, eaten alone, piggy-backed on other teachers' room reservations and paid hundreds of dollars "out-of-pocket" for registration fees, travel expenses, hotel rooms, parking and food.  It is a costly endeavor, but a much-needed mid-year shot in the arm. 

This year, however, I did things a little differently.  I took a rookie teacher with me and we shared the experience with a veteran choral director.  It was perfect! I also had a student in the All-State Elementary Chorus which brought a brand new perspective to my professional development while there.

If you're wondering why our conference is also labeled a clinic, let me explain. Those who conduct All-State choirs, bands and orchestras are called "clinicians." They are master teachers and highly skilled musicians. They work with the top students from across the State while we teachers pursue professional development opportunities for our own personal growth.  At the end of the week, the ensembles perform in a concert setting and the performance is professionally recorded.  Parents attending the concerts can then purchase a recording of their child's performance as a keepsake.

Parents can also purchase a plaque with their child's name on it

Katie and Mrs. Tamburrino before her performance

Katie and her family

Final Performance at the Tampa Convention Center

Katie was one of 211 students from across the State of Florida to participate in the Elementary Chorus this year. Katie will be the first to tell you that she greatly enjoyed the experience and wants to do it again next year! Bravo Little Miss!!

Until next time...

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