Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back-to-School 2010

It's that time of year again...when teachers soak up the last few rays of summer sun, parents dash from store to store collecting school supplies and purchasing sneakers in the next size up; where tax-free shopping rules the day and sports physicals are an absolute necessity.

Yes - it's "Back-to-School 2010."

Welcome Back Teachers!

Our theme this year is "Cultivating a Community of Excellence" and we're heading down to the farm.

Opening day for faculty and staff is filled with games, skits, food and fun! Prizes are awarded for the best skit and the best costumes. Oh, we'll work a little too - review policy and procedures, talk about the data and how we plan to shore up our weak spots - we'll discuss our plan for implementing the new "Response to Intervention" tool and spend a little time reflecting on how to make this year our best ever.

Mrs. Phillips works really hard at including everyone in the opening day festivities and making our new teachers feel welcome. It is truly a great way to build community and prepare us for the coming year. Check out these photos!


Props from our Skit - "The Resourceful Farming Company, Inc."

Holy Cow! It's Dee Dee and Ray!

Building a weather vane with Tinkertoys (the hard way!)

Working on "Eggstrella's Egg Mover"

The team-building activities were the toughest part of the day. Have you ever tried to build something while getting your cues from a liason who can only say, "Yes, No or I don't know"? That was an experience I will never forget!

Until next time...

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