Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kindergarten Lesson

In my post dated, October 14, 2009, I shared my lesson plan for what is commonly known as the "Teacher Assessment Instrument" or "Employee Evaluation." I opted to use a kindergarten class and build on what they were already studying in their classroom.

Our kindergarteners have been working with nursery rhymes to gain a better understanding of phonemic structure, blending/segmenting sounds, rhyme scheme, and early comprehension skills (characters in a story). I used a nursery rhyme that was originally published in England in 1842 entitled, "Lucy Locket." Only one student was familiar with this rhyme.

My lesson covered multiple musical concepts including pitch-matching, intervallic relationships (solfege), creating a melody map, working with unfamiliar text, vocal inflection and crescendo/decrescendo. This may seem like a lot for kindergarteners to assimilate in one 40-minute lesson, but when sequenced and presented properly, learning happens.

Please take a look at the following video. This video captures the highlights of the lesson in the order in which they were presented. It will also provide you with a glimpse into my classroom so that you can see the depth of instruction our youngest learners are receiving. Feel free to leave me a comment at the end of the post.

Kindergarten Lesson from athby tamburrino on Vimeo.

Until next time...


  1. I can see so many connections between what you are doing and what we are doing in the classroom! Wow - thank you so much for posting the video! I learned a lot!

  2. D,
    I love our kids interacting with you each day. You are gifted!

  3. WOW! I was awe struck by your lesson! KM

  4. I have to admit, I have no idea what intervallic relationships(solfege)are, but I can infer about the melody map and pitch-matching. I really can't believe that you are teaching the concepts to Kindergarteners! I need to come back to music class 101!

    I love that you filmed this so that we can all enjoy being an observer in your classroom. Great Work!


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