On Friday evening, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit in the audience for a change and enjoy a program.
Being a performing arts educator, I am usually in the "hot seat" on performance nights praying that all goes well with the technical side of things, no one faints under the lights and that everything we've worked so hard to accomplish comes together when it matters most!!
It was a stress-free evening for me as I sat and watched ten of my chorus students show off their versatility as actors. I don't always get to see that side of them, except for Phillip, who is always very dramatic and quite entertaining. The dynamic in our classroom will never again be the same once he graduates.
I've never been a fan of horror flicks. They frighten me and I have nightmares, so I tend to steer clear of them. However, this shtick was pretty funny. I am certain that I would have understood the jokes and appreciated the nuances in the script more if I had seen the main characters - Dracula, Frankenstein and Swamp Thing - in their various roles on the big screen. Background knowledge is critical for a truly enriching artistic experience and I came up a little short on Friday night.
The set was very elaborate and so were the costumes. Mrs. Fallon did a fantastic job with the costumes and make-up. Just watching the show took me back to my days in college when I sang in the Opera Chorus at FSU. Stage make-up, sets, costumes, lights, song....very sweet memories. I was part of something bigger than myself and that's what made it so exciting!! Matter of fact, I was a bit envious sitting out in the audience and would have loved to don a costume and make-up again. Maybe Mr. Ming can work me into his next show. I'd love it!!
My heartfelt congratulations to everyone who was involved in this production!! I can't wait to see what they drum up for the Spring musical.....
"The Return of Dracula's Return Part VII - Retirement Bites"
Written, Produced and Directed by our very own Thomas Ming
Until next time...