Mission Control preparing for the Flashlight Parade

This is me during the parade singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

Our students then rotated through various centers. They went on an asteroid hunt, they learned new songs about "Spaceworms" and danced the robot to "Rap of the Solar System." They created picture frames for their (unofficial) NASA photo, they used a SmartBoard to test their skill at matching icons to space-related vocabulary words, they visited a blow-up planetarium and attended a Constellation Ball - all in their PJs!
Mrs. Tamburrino and the Storm Trooper. He hails from a planet called Landstar

"Spaceworms crawlin' in the night, spaceworms crawlin' outta sight, spaceworms love to talk and they love to do the Spaceworm Walk!"

Teaching "Spaceworms"

I closed out our time in the music center with a technology presentation entitled, "Blue Beauty." It was filled with spectacular photos of earth taken from the space station. Check out the following link to view it for yourself. It was awesome! http://www.greatdanepro.com/Blue%20Bueaty/index.htm
This grade-level event was completely revamped to address the first grade science standards and the kids absolutely loved it! Hats off to the Chets Creek Resource Specialists - without their help, this day would never have left the launching pad!! You guys are simply stellar!!
Until next time...